codicil to will form

if you would like to make changes to your last will and testament, a codicil can help. very simply, a codicil is an addendum to your existing will, which allows you to update, add, or remove provisions as needed. the codicil should be dated, reference back to your original will, and specify which sections of your will are being changed. it can be helpful to have your document reviewed by an estate planning lawyer to ensure that it contains the appropriate details. there are no legal restrictions to what may be included in a codicil to a will.

sample will form

the following sample is designed to give you an idea what a will might look like and why certain language is in it. and the term “unsecured” prevents a court from interpreting this clause to mean that your estate must pay off your mortgage or other secured debts that you probably don’t want immediately paid off. i give the rest of my estate (called my residuary estate) to my husband, tex. one common mistake by people who use a living trust as well as a will is to make the beneficiary of the estate different from the people benefiting from the trust.