silent investor contract

a silent partner is a business partner who provides capital but does not actively participate in the management of operations. aren’t you sick and tired of choosing from numerous samples each time you want to create a partnership agreement involving silent partner? if you’re a us legal forms subscriber, simply log in to your account and click on the download button. users who don’t have a subscription need to complete quick and easy steps before having the capability to get access to their partnership agreement involving silent partner: when you’ve followed the step-by-step instructions above, you’ll always be able to sign in and download whatever file you want for whatever state you want it in. “the forms professionals trust ™ financial stakes of silent business partners in return for their initial investment, silent partners often receive stock in your company as well as a percentage of revenue or profit. a silent partner agreement lets a silent partner share the profits or losses of a business without handling the day-to-day tasks of running it.