healthcare proxy form

a lock icon ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the official website. 42 usc 482.13 patient’s rights, patient’s representation42 usc 1396a(w)(1) “patient self-determination act”42 usc 1395cc(f) social security act: maintenance of written policies and procedures living will form (personal directive) honoring choices“even though the personal directive or any living will in ma is not legally binding on your doctors, it gives all your care providers clear evidence of what you want and do not want for care.” 3 step health care planning guide honoring choices massachusetts provides sample health care proxy and personal directive as well as information about durable power of attorney, living wills and medical orders for life-sustaining treatment (molst). end of life care, executive office of health and human services. requirement that health care providers “distribute to appropriate patients…culturally and linguistically suitable information regarding the availability of palliative care and end-of-life options.” health care proxies and end of life care, mass. massachusetts medical orders for life-sustaining treatment (molst), dept.