customer terms and conditions

the prices of products sold by seller to buyer will be seller applicable published prices in effect at the time buyer’s purchase order is accepted by seller, or such prices quoted by a seller’s authorized representative; provided, however, seller may change the prices of products at anytime and for any reason prior to shipment. all payments must be made in the currency and to the bank or address of seller indicated on seller’ invoice. the time for delivery to buyer will be extended for a period equal to the duration of the delay, and buyer will not be entitled to refuse delivery or otherwise be relieved of any obligations as the result of the delay. if buyer cancels an order for any reason, fails or refuses, or for any reason is unable to accept delivery of any of the products it has ordered, or if buyer requests the diversion of a delivery from seller, buyer shall be liable for and pay to seller, promptly on demand, the full purchase price and all costs and expenses incurred by seller in filling and shipping buyer’s order or by reason of such diversion, including costs of demurrage and storage.