citation law

the year included is when the law was published in the source consulted, not when it was passed, amended, or supplemented. no symbol is used for the title in your reference, but the section number is preceded by the symbol §. to insert the section symbol in word, click on “insert,” “symbol,” “more symbols,” “special characters,” and then find it in the list under “section.” when a law is spread across multiple consecutive sections, the term “et seq.” (latin for “and following”) is added after the initial section number. this is not used in the citation, except in special cases: when the law is not (yet) included in the united states code, or when it is spread across non-consecutive parts of the code. when an act is codified across different non-consecutive sections of the code, it is also cited using the public law number and information about its location in the statutes at large.

“u.s.c.” is replaced with an abbreviation for the law code of that state, and titles and sections are presented in the same way. however, some state codes use article or chapter numbers instead of or in addition to section numbers, or do not use titles. but if the law is either spread across various sections of the code or not featured in the code at all, include the public law number in addition to information on the source you accessed the law in, e.g. : no, including a url is optional in apa style reference entries for legal sources (e.g. it can be useful to do so to aid the reader in retrieving the source, but it’s not required, since the other information included should be enough to locate it. if anything is still unclear, or if you didn’t find what you were looking for here, leave a comment and we’ll see if we can help.

a standard citation includes first the volume number, then the title of the source, (usually abbreviated) and lastly, a page or section number. important note: this guide is not meant to provide guidance for correct legal citation format; rather, it is a basic guide to understanding the parts of a legal citation and a list of sources for looking up legal abbreviations. case citations designate the volume number of the reporter in which the case appears, the name of the reporter, the page on which the case begins, and the year the decision was rendered. if this occurs, the case name may be followed by one or more “parallel citations.”  the official reporter is the one with whose publisher the court has contracted to publish the reports; any other citation is called “unofficial.”  (sometimes a case will have only an unofficial citation, such as in the federal reporter; then the “unofficial” cite will be listed alone. in california, the state supreme court cases are published officially in the california reports, series 1-4; the court of appeals cases are officially published in the california appellate reports, series 1-4.  unofficial reports are published by west; supreme court and appellate court decisions are published together in the west’s california reporter, series 1, 2 & 3.  the supreme court decisions are also published in the pacific reporter, series 1, 2 & 3.  federal cases are cited in the same format as california cases. there are two parallel citations for supreme court cases: those published by west in the supreme court reporter are abbreviated “s.ct.”; those published by lexisnexis, the united states supreme court reports, lawyers’ edition, are abbreviated “l.ed.” or “l.ed.

2d”  court of appeals cases, published only in west’s federal reporter, are abbreviated “f.,” “f. 3d.”  federal district court cases are published only in west’s federal supplement, abbreviated “f. 2d”   citations to california codes do not begin with numbers; instead, the title of the code name is followed by the section number, the publisher, and the date of the volume (not the date the individual code section was enacted). the version of the unofficial code used (deering’s or west) is indicated in the date portion of the citation. parallel cites are not used for the code, since the numbering is uniform for both official and unofficial codes. the unofficial codes are designated by their own abbreviations, u.s.c.a.

legal citation is the practice of crediting and referring to authoritative documents and sources. the most common sources of authority cited are court decisions, statutes, regulations, government documents, treaties, and scholarly writing. introduction to basic legal citation (online ed. 2020) by peter w. martin. this work first appeared in 1993. it was most recently revised in november of 2020 when a reference is to the uniform law or model code apart from its adoption and interpretation in a particular state, the citation should consist of the name to cite federal laws (also commonly referred to as statutes or acts) in apa style, include the name, .

a citation (or cite) in legal terminology is a reference to a specific legal source, such as a constitution, a statute, a reported case, a citation. n. 1) a notice to appear in court due to the probable commission of a minor crime such as a traffic violation, drinking liquor in a park where simply reference them in the text by name. when citing particular articles and amendments, create reference list entries and in-text citations as normal. the us, .

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